Assembly instructions

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A set of tools necessary for border installation.

Borders are connected with straight connectors.

You can create a curved surface borders by cutting the lower strip of a border.

Garden Edge Pro borders are fixed in place with nails:

a)plastic nails for soft ground (lawns, farming land, etc.)
b) metal nails for hard surfaces (clay, broken stone).

The final step of Garden Edge Pro borders installation is to cover them with soil, grit or bark etc; in order to make them invisible.

If Garden Edge Pro borders are used to construct newly built or loosely compacted surfaces, it is recommended to use anchor nails in a base of course concrete. If borders are installed at temperatures below 5°C, use a separation joint approx. 1.5 – 2.0cm every 5 running meters. We do not recommend using Garden Edge Pro borders on slopes, especially on surfaces with a high gradient.